Consolidated and expanded ranges for Fresal in 2021
FJ | Fresal Sarl
It has not been an easy year with Covid 19, but during this delicate period the production and distribution of fruit has shown courage and tenacity to maintain the physical health of the population as well as the economic health of nations.
Now autumn is giving way to winter, the Christmas and New Year period is here and brings with it an increased demand for festive and quality products. FRESAL is the specialist in red fruit. Located at Rungis, the company plays an important role because of the quality and prestige of its brands.
Its work and its selection of the best original fruits have contributed to the reputation of its brands, in particular Vale Oh.
In 2021 the Verso brand will stand out. With raspberries and strawberries, tasty and colourful, combining taste pleasure and healthy food for better health and longer life.
This year, in addition to the strawberry campaign, Fresal has consolidated and strengthened its position at Rungis with grapes from Portugal and Spain, for their colour and flavour, and with the best pomegranates from Alicante, as well as this summer with watermelons and melons from Murcia and La Mancha.
More information on the products and brands offered on their website
Cada fresa que yo te di
fue de mi boca un verso
y en tu boca un beso.
(Every strawberry I gave you / was in my mouth a verse / and in your mouth a kiss)
By Olivier Herrera Marin
Poet of the Earth