VLAM rewarded for his TV spot dedicated to the potato
FJ | Vlam Flanders'
A promotion campaign of potato which targets students living outside the parental home.
The "BOEMPATAT" campaign of VLAM received 2 awards at the TV-Spots-Awards. It has been considered by a jury of professionals as the most powerful.
Humorous, the campaign features students in embarrassing situations when their mothers come with a home cooked meal. Not to risk receiving family visits in the worst times, cook yourself potatoes!
It's easy! the slogan "From aardappel. Thuis in elke keuken" ('Potato. It feels at home in every kitchen') shows that we can quickly prepare delicious and surprising dishes with potatoes. Alongside the TV spots, new recipes, original and modern, are also available online on the website (aardapel.be).
Give ideas to a young audience, the group which has the lowest consumption level of fresh potatoes (52%) compared to other groups of the population (74%) could do much to increase the overall consumption of the vegetable.