Africa must be at the center of the global strategy on the climate
The United Nations Summit on the climate will bring together more than 100 heads of states and governments, but this event should not be a forum reserved for only the most advanced countries.
Makhtar Diop, Vice-President of the World Bank Africa Region, requested that the representatives of the African continent actively participate in discussions (rise of sea levels, destruction of tropical forests, loss of biodiversity, extinction of endangered species, pricing carbon emissions).
Africa is responsible for only 3.8% of total emissions of greenhouse gas emissions in the world while its population is already experiencing the effects of ongoing climate change (drought or floods more severe).
A recent study by the World Bank reveals a worrying scenario for Africa. A warming of 2 ° C would reduce from 40 to 80% of the arable land for maize, millet and sorghum. Yet agriculture is the means of livelihood of 80% of the continent's population. One can not ignore the obvious link between agriculture and food security when discussing climate change.
Adaptation to climate change across the continent stood at $ 15 billion per year. But the path of sustainable development and green growth represents an economic opportunity that is already showing encouraging results (sustainable agriculture in Kenya, solar energy in Mauritania ...).
source : "contribution de Makhtar Diop sur le site"