On the verge of disappearing grenade fruits
Tuesday 20 March 2007
Grenade, denominated the queen of the Cuban fruits, is in a disappearance process, according to informed civil employees into the ministry of Castro agriculture. Quintín Domínguez, director of the national company of the grenadementation, indicated that, in the last 15 years, the production of the appraised fruit descended 30 times. Domínguez assures that seedtime and the culture of this fruit has been so deficient that it could disappear in just a short time. He indicated that of the 30 thousand tons harvested in 1991, he diminished to 920 tons in 2006. "We do not have enough workforce, the farmers and companies do not want to harvest the fruit so there are no stimuli to produce to a logical rate", indicated Domínguez. The fruit is harvested fundamentally in the territories of Avila.