Green light to Peruvian peppers in Uruguay
Tuesday 13 September 2022
According to SENASA, in 2021 the phytosanitary certification of fresh and dry Capsicum products totaled 33.120 tons, the main destinations being Mexico (39% of the total), the United States (30%), Spain (27%). The remaining 4% went to Guatemala, Chile, Italy and Kosovo. (photo:
Last week, the Peruvian chillies and peppers achieved access into the Uruguayan market.
Through resolution No. 938/022, the phytosanitary authorities of Uruguay established the requirements for Peruvian exporters. The production sites must be registered with the National Agricultural Health Service (SENASA); the shipments must have the phytosanitary certification and inspection in Peru, in addition to the phytosanitary import authorization from Uruguay.
Currently, Peru exports chillies and peppers to the US, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Kosovo, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Chile, Brazil, Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Mexico.
According to SENASA, in 2021 the phytosanitary certification of fresh and dry Capsicum products totaled 33.120 tons, the main destinations being Mexico (39% of the total), the United States (30%), Spain (27%). The remaining 4% went to Guatemala, Chile, Italy and Kosovo.