Plum production falls
Tuesday 17 July 2012
This year the production of plums from Lorraine is expected to be sharply lower but the fruits are exceptionally large.
Bad weather in the spring will cause a decrease in plum production from Lorraine.
A severe frost in April and then heavy rains have resulted in lower volumes. The estimated harvest is about 4,000 tons, less than half a normal season. However, this year's favourable weather conditions in May means that the fruit will be particularly large.
The production deficit will weigh on prices and
Mirabelle de Lorraine should be more expensive than last year.
Vegafruits is the sales office of three common fruit cooperatives (Jardin de Lorraine, Vergers de Lorraine et Coteaux Lorrains) that have a potential of 8,000 ton produced by their 200 members. To diversify its markets, Vegafruits has invested to double capacity in freezing and develop dried fruit.
Vegafruits is the sales office of three common fruit cooperatives (Jardin de Lorraine, Vergers de Lorraine et Coteaux Lorrains) that have a potential of 8,000 ton produced by their 200 members. To diversify its markets, Vegafruits has invested to double capacity in freezing and develop dried fruit.
source : le republicain lorrain, france tv info