Strawberry campaign's analysis in Italy and Spain
Thursday 02 April 2009
Strawberries are at the core of discussion both in Italy and Spain, as harvest is delayed by more than two weeks in both Countries´ main producing areas.
According to Italian experts, the delay may lead to production overlapping in the next few months, yet it currently represents a lack of supply on the markets, as emerged in the first day of the Italian National Strawberry Convention (San Pietro di Marsala, Sicily, from March 25 to 27).
According to data presented at the conference, in Europe yield is stable but surfaces are reducing. On the other hand, in Italy both surfaces and yields are decreasing, as more investments are needed in nurseries in Southern Italy so as to grant a proper productivity. During the Convention, the need has been underlined for a new concept of consumption seasons, as high quality strawberries can be grown all over the year according to each production area´s features.
In Spain, the strawberry sector already lost some 25 million euros at the beginning of 2009 due to damages related to bad weather, according to Spanish producers´ association Freshuelva. However, the situation is gradually improving along with the betterment of weather conditions, and it is not as bad as it was a few weeks ago.
In this framework Huelva Province´s institutions, in cooperation with the category association Interfresa, are carrying out a study to analyze the segment´s economic situation, especially for the most affected companies by winter frosts. At the same time, as Interfresa and Huelva´s ministry for agriculture determined the impossibility to grant direct aids to the damaged companies, the parties agreed on asking for an intervention of banks so as to refund the companies´ debts and allow them to keep working.