Online event for people responsible for avocado quality and everyone interested
Thursday, February 3 at 2:00 PM (PST) (convert to your time zone), join Director of Applied Science Galen George for an in-depth, live training that will highlight the following questions:
- How organizations (orchards and distribution centers alike) can blend immediate maturity assessment into their current processes
- Use and application of the F-751 Avocado Quality Meter
- Best practices in data collection
- Device menu structure and operation
- Tips and tricks to improve accuracy and consistency
The company has designed this training to take personnel responsible for avocado quality and everyone interested from first use to a high level of comfort with both using the device in the field and seamlessly integrating it into current workflows.
Questions and answers session will be hosted after the training.
Register now and even if you can't make it to the live webinar, you will receive a recording afterwards.
Have more questions? Send your inquiry or/and visit company’s website.