Self-regulation for the production of "Iceberg"
Spanish producers have " subtracted " from the market millions of salad heads.
The organization said that PROEXPORT salads producers had decided to withdraw 7.6 million lettuce heads in week 49 and 6 million in week 50. These volumes represent 28 to 21 % of the export production.
The goal is to halt the continued decline in prices , following a part in the policy of some of the big european distribution chains that have adopted a strategy that brings in products that are below cost of production. And secondly a relative " overproduction " driven by the mild weather in Spain who advanced the harvest schedule from 9 to 15 days.
Murcia is the first region for the production of lettuce in Spain, providing all Europe especially in the period that extends from October to May The variety "Iceberg" represents 75% of exported lettuce.
source : pro export es