Peru still increases its areas of asparagus
Contrary to rumors, Peru continues to expand its areas of asparagus.
IPEH (Instituto Peruano del Espárrago there Hortalizas) announces the installation of 1,800 hectares of asparagus before the end of 2013. These additional areas will be installed in the regions of Ica and Lambayeque.
These new facilities will help to solve the problem of "old" plantations. According to IPEH in his last census, in Peru 9.5% of the plantations are aged 0-2 years (2,565 hectares), 39.9% of 3-5 years (10,773 hectares), 35.9% of 6 - 8 years (9693 hectares) and 14.7% of 9 years (3969 hectares). Thus on almost 80% of the land, plantations are between 3 and 8 years and almost 10% are new, which demonstrates that producers have made the necessary in time.
IPEH estimated that asparagus exports will increase this year compared to 2012. The price and volume are considered good, but for reliable projections it would be better to wait until mid-October .
source : chile alimentos com, agraria pe