Successful webinar for Eurocastanea, the European chestnut network
All countries
Monday 19 October 2020
The European Chestnut Days, here a previous edition, have been replaced this year by a webinar.
Like other events, the European Chestnut Days which were to take place in September have been canceled and replaced with a webinar. From several countries, professionals in the sector were able to discuss harvest estimates, market prospects in Europe, and the impact of the health crisis.
Eurocastanea, the European chestnut network, organized its 1st webinar which brought together nearly 70 operators in the sector, producers and marketers online. Participants from Austria, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Morocco and Chile logged on to follow the online conference on the current campaign and the impact of COVID-19 on consumption.
2020 production prospects: Portugal estimates that its production will amount to 36,000 tonnes, with medium sizes and good quality. For France, a fairly good harvest is expected in the south-east of the country, a weaker harvest is expected in the south-west. In Italy, the harvest is estimated to be 20 to 30% higher than that of 2019 in most regions. Italy will thus regain its production potential. In Spain the forecast is around 28,000 tonnes. In Austria, production is increasing with new orchards coming into production. But volumes are still lower than those of other EU producer countries.
Topics common to the 5 countries of the Eurocastanea network were highlighted. The first subject is the control of diseases (bark canker, fruit rots, root dieback) due to climate change, hot and dry summers and autumns. Another subject, the establishment of a water management policy appeared to be essential for viable production. Finally, speakers from each country recognized that it is essential to stimulate the market and consumption, and to communicate, especially with young people.
The webinar co-organizers were:
- For France: Interprofessional Union of Chestnut of South West France, SNPC, National Union of Chestnut Producers, Interco Aquitaine, AREFLH
- For Portugal: Refcast,
- For Spain: Red Estatal del Castaño
- For Italy: CSDC, Centro di Studio e Documentazione sul Castagno, Centro Regionale di Castanicoltura del Piemonte
- For Austria: ARGE Zukunft Edelkastanie.
source : areflh org