Scirtothrips dorsalis confirmed in citrus plantations in Murcia, Spain
Friday 12 January 2024
The Plant Health Service of Murcia has confirmed the presence of the tea thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis, in citrus plantations (photo:
The Plant Health Service of Murcia has confirmed the presence of tea thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis, in citrus plantations.
The alert was generated in October 2023, when unusual damage was observed on autumn citrus shoots in an experimental plot near Sangonera la Verde, Murcia.
After collecting samples and verifying the damage, the presence of the thrips Scirtothrips dorsalis was identified. Subsequently, during November, checks were carried out in different growing areas of the region, confirming the significant presence of similar damage in large areas of citrus crops, especially in the eastern part of Campo de Cartagena, Balsicas, El Mirador, Cabezo Gordo, Jimenado, and parts of the Huerta de Murcia and Vega Media del Segura.
According to the first surveys, it is suggested that the introduction of this pest may have occurred progressively from the province of Alicante. However, accidental introductions by operators through field boxes or vehicles from affected areas outside the Region of Murcia are not ruled out.
Given the importance and risk of expansion of this polyphagous pest in citrus and other crops, the Plant Health Service has prepared an information sheet for its dissemination and knowledge. The need to be extremely vigilant to detect any similar symptoms or thrips specimens with similar characteristics is emphasized, and it is urged to contact the Plant Health Service in case of suspicion through the link.