Melon season in Costa Rica is coming
Staay Food Group, international supplier of fresh fruit and vegetables, shares harvest forecasts of Costa Rica melons for the coming season.
According to Staay Food Group release, the season of melon from Brazilia will end in a few weeks. Then Costa Rica will take over again. In general, melon's suppliers are satisfied with the season as its pre-programmed volumes have found their way to the retail. In the final sprint of the Brazilian season, both demand and prices are upswing.
SFG Dulce is a Group's branch from Costa Rica, which is preparation for the coming season. The forecasts of SFG Dulce companies are good and the fields are in optimal condition. The two hurricanes that recently hit Central America have not caused significant damage to the fields in the four production areas where the companies are located.
By owning this branch in Costa Rica, Staay Food Group can clearly distinguish itself. Each of the logistics operations is controlled internally with all the necessary expertise in this chain. All melons are packaged and shipped under the DULCE brand name to guarantee full traceability. In addition, all DULCE's melons bear the Rainforest Alliance seal, proving it has been grown responsibly. Moreover, it was even the first label in Costa Rica with this certification.
Due to worldwide situation, export volumes forecasts from Costa Rica are lower than in previous years. In addition to the usual Water, Galia/Cantaloupe and Yellow varieties, Piel de Sapo melons will also be available this year.
Headquartered in the Netherlands, Staay Food Group is the international supplier of fresh fruit and vegetables from 1946. Due to its cultivation activities as well as through close collaborations with growers, the Group specializes in Melons and Pineapples, Pears, Stone fruit and fieldgrown Spanish vegetables (own cultivation and import).
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