
FANNY Bio, the new range of ARCOFRUITS

Wednesday 02 July 2014
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ARCOFRUITS pursues its policy based on the quality with this new range FANNY BIO (oranges, lemons, mandarins).

ARCOFRUITS became the leader in the distribution of the Spanish citrus unprocessed after harvest.

True to its qualitative policy, ARCOFRUITS presents FANNY BIO. The range results from the alliance with Rio Tinto, the largest producer of organic citrus in Spain. This merger strengthens the positioning of ARCOFRUITS henceforth the exclusive distributor of the brand "FANNY BIO" on the French and European market.

Les points forts à souligner : 350 hectares dans la région de Sierra Huelva (région écologique protégée) où il n'y a pas de contamination externe (le voisin le plus proche est à 40 kms), 20 milliards de kilos disponibles en oranges (table, jus) en mandarines, et en citrons.

Strong points to emphasize: 350 hectares in the region of Sierra Huelva (protected ecological region) where there is no external contamination (the nearest neighbor is 40 kms), 20 billion pounds available in oranges (table, juice) in tangerines, and in lemons.

Rich in skills acquired over 25 years in production and logistics, ARCOFRUITS knows perfectly how to meet the needs of its customers, both with competitiveness and adaptability. Do not hesitate to contact the company for additional information (calendar, photos of products ...)