Record campaign for 'Patata di Bologna D.O.P'
Wednesday 15 July 2020
Record campaign for the "Patata di Bologna D.O.P." which is the first potato to have received certification in Italy (Photo: PrimaPagina Cesena).
In Italy, it is the first potato to have received AOP (Protected Designation of Origin) certification. It is produced and packaged exclusively in the province of Bologna.
According to data provided by the Consorzio di Tutela, during the 2019/20 season production reached 11,229 tonnes, an increase of + 19.8% compared to the previous season. And compared to the production of 4,936 tonnes 10 years ago, growth stood at + 127.5%.
“This is a clear sign of a product that is increasingly appreciated by the consumer. The 'Patata di Bologna DOP' / Bologna potato AOP 'combines a quality that makes it unique on the national scene, associated with a strong identity of product intimately linked to the territory, the only Italian potato produced and packaged in Bologna "explains Davide Martelli, president of the Consortium.
For the 2019/20 season, the certified areas reached 357 hectares, for the 2020/21 season, the areas reached 419 hectares. According to the first estimates, the quality of the product is considered excellent for this new season.
source : PrimaPagina Cesena