Positive Growth for Air Cargo
All countries
Wednesday 01 February 2017
After a rather weak start to the year 2016, overall cargo volumes recovered well in the second half of the year.
The air cargo market recovered in 2016: demand grew by 3.8% and capacity increased by 5.3%.
IATA, the International Air Transport Association, has published data on global air cargo markets. Demand, measured in tonne-kilometers of freight, rose 3.8% from 2015. This is almost double the average growth rate observed over the past 5 years. Freight capacity, measured in tonne-kilometers of freight available, increased by 5.3% in 2016.
All regions, with the exception of Latin America, experienced positive freight growth in 2016. For Asia-Pacific carriers + 2.1% in demand and 3.6% in capacity. For North America + 2.0% in demand and + 3.4% in capacity; For those in Europe + 7.6% and 6.7%; For those in the Middle East + 6.9% and + 5.9%; For those in Africa + 3.1% and + 25.5% in capacity. Latin America -4.2% in demand and -2.0% in capacity.
source : iata.org