Oversupply of watermelons in Dabuleni collapses prices, leaving farmers in crisis
Tuesday 23 July 2024
Previously, the price was 50 cents per kilo, but now farmers are unable to sell them for even 0.15 cents.
In the southern Romanian town of Dabuleni, overproduction of watermelons has led to an oversupply that has driven prices down this summer. Trailers and carts are packed with watermelons, many of which end up discarded. Previously, the price was 50 cents per kilo, but now farmers are unable to sell them for even 0.15 cents.
One local farmer says he offers watermelons at 70 banis (0.15 euros) and nobody wants them. He has four tonnes and has already thrown away another four tonnes. This is because all the watermelons in the region ripened at the same time, saturating the market.
According to local media, Dabuleni accounts for 16% of the melon and watermelon production in Romania.
fuente: euronews.com