Decline in the consumption of fruits and vegetables
The decline in consumption of fruit and vegetables continues in Italy
Based on data from ISTAT, the Coldiretti organization emphasizes that the decline in consumption, widely observed in 2013 continued in the first half of this year. Italian consumers decreased by -0.6% their food purchases.
In 2013, Italian bought 4.2 million tons of fruits and 3.6 million tons of vegetables. This decline recorded will lead to consumption per capita below 400 g/day recommended by the World Health Organization. This decline in consumption of fruits and vegetables, even if it can be explained by the effects of the economic crisis on the one hand and bad weather on the other hand, may threaten the health of the population and prosperity all companies in the sector.
Coldiretti offers operations to boost the consumption of fruits and vegetables during the summer and proposals to the Italian government to boost the sector and trade (new varieties, coordination of marketing, regulations and various regulations) .
source : coldiretti it