Imports of organic apples are expected to decline sharply
Monday 11 March 2019
Better domestic production will lead to a decrease in imports for this season.
While the area devoted to organic production increased by 8% in Germany to reach 110 000 hectares in 2018, the national organic production had not followed this progression. In particular due to adverse weather conditions that have lowered yields and lead to higher import volumes.
According to AMI data (Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft), for the 2017/18 season (June to June) Germany has imported 60% of its organic apple needs, ie 34 000 tonnes. These imported apples came from Italy (44%), Austria (23%) from New Zealand (18%) and other countries (9%).
This large volume of imports results from poor domestic production that year. In fact, the extreme weather conditions during the summer had reduced yields and then led to an increase in imported volumes.
For the 2018/19 season the situation is completely different. Domestic production of organic apples has reached record volumes, which will directly lead to a significant drop in imports.
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