Felix Instruments published the study about spectrometers that measure internal quality of grape and peach
California-made fruits and vegetables have a paramount impact on the US national economy. Grapes are the number one fresh fruit among the top of agricultural commodities produced in this state. Peaches are among the part of many other California’s commodities that leads the nation’s production. Accordingly, fruit producers and farm technicians are interested in devices capable of non-destructively measuring the internal quality of these fruits, and often request scientific evidence to local extension services.
Felix Instruments with CID Bio-Science published a monthly newsletter of published research papers, where can be found performance evaluation of two commercially available portable spectrometers to non-invasively determine table grape and peach quality attributes.
Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is routinely used to non-destructively and rapidly evaluate the quality of fresh agricultural products. In this study evaluated the performance of two commercially available portable spectrometers on the market (F-750, produced by Felix Instruments, the USA and the SCiO, from Consumer Physics, Israel) in predicting dry matter (DM) and total soluble solids (TSS) in three varieties of grapes, and one variety of peach.
The performance evaluation of two spectrometers found that both tools had better predict grape quality parameters than peaches. Overall, the F-750 was more accurate in its prediction of DM and TSS, with an R2 of 0.83 and 0.97, respectively. While SCiO had a lower accuracy with R2 of 0.81 and 0.95 for DM and TSS, respectively.
About Felix Instruments
Focusing on pre and post harvest applications, Felix Instruments helps fresh market professionals maximize the value of their products with the line of portable Gas Analyzers and the NIR Produce Quality Meters.
Full article can be view here.
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