Large increase for pineapples and avocados
The Peruvian agricultural sector is growing and has recorded an increase of 4.9% in the first months of 2011.
The INEI, the Peruvian Institute of Statistics released its data for the 1st quarter 2011. The agricultural sector recorded 4.9% growth compared to last year.
The largest increases in volume are pineapple (+ 49.9%), avocados (+28.7%) and mangoes (20.6%).
Pineapple production has even increased from 55.2% in February 2011. The production increase is due to the increase in area, mainly in the province of Satipo.
Production of avocados has increased in the main producer regions such as Arequipa, Cajamarca and Junín.
The increase in mango production is due to climatic conditions that favored a better performance.
source : agraria pe, cendoc cepes org pe