Apples in prevention of the Alzheimer's disease
United States
Wednesday 24 February 2010
Eat apples and drink some apple juice to prevent the Alzheimer's disease.
To consume apples would delay the appearance of the Alzheimer's disease according to the study of a team of American researchers published in the Newspaper “Alzheimer Disease”.
This study comes to confirm the study done in 2004 to the University of New York and concerning the quercetine, a flavoïde contained in the apples which with its antioxidant power, blocks the action of the free radicals and protected neurones. "On the basis of a portion, apples have one of the highest rates of quercetine in comparison to the other fruits and the vegetables and could be among the best food in the prevention against the Alzheimer's disease ".
The study of Thomas B. Shea of the Center of cellular neurobiology of the University of Massachusetts-Lowell demonstrate that to drink some juice of apple helped mice to be more successful than the normal in the tries labyrinth.
Shea and his team showed that mouses receiving 2 glasses of juice of apple a day during 1 month produced less than a fragment of small protein, called " bêta - amyloïde " which is responsible for the formation of the "senile" patches which we usually find in the brain of the persons affected by the Alzheimer's disease.
Mr Shea said that " These results provide connecting additional evidence factors of nutritional risk and suggests that the regular consumption of juice of apple cannot only help to keep the successful brain, but also to be able of delaying the main aspects of the Alzheimer's disease and of increasing the therapeutic approaches ".
source : science daily