China: 12 retailers join GLOBALG.A.P
Wednesday 26 September 2018
New step in the development of GLOBALG.A.P. in China.
Established by retailers in 6 provinces in China, the CCA (China Ants Alliance) now has 32 member companies from 19 provinces and municipalities. Its members operate more than 1,300 supermarkets serving 10 million customers a day and generating an annual turnover of more than 45 billion CNY (approximately 5.7 billion euros).
CAA will strive to promote good agricultural practices in the Chinese market and is committed to ensuring food safety and excellent quality for Chinese consumers through its own brand of fresh produce.
"Thanks to the strategic cooperation between China Ants Alliance and GLOBALG.AP, we now have access to GLOBALG.AP's resources in China and around the world - an invaluable support to move our private brand of fresh produce to a new level. superior." said Wu Junhong, president of CAA.
Flavio Alzueta, Vice President and CMO of GLOBALG.AP, adds: "We have been working in the Chinese market for over 10 years, in collaboration with government authorities and producer associations, and this is an important step in the development of GLOBALG.AP in China, thanks to the relevance and local knowledge of CAA members in their respective provinces.We will work together to provide excellent products to Chinese consumers. "
source: globalgap org