Kai Hotu Rau has been launched
The incorporation of SA Kai Rau Hotu has just been signed and the "Polynesian Rungis " is launched.
The President of French Polynesia Gaston Tong Sang believes it will better returns to farmers and will improve production both in quantity and quality of local products.
The Company Hotu Kai Rau consists of a capital of 200 million XPF (EUR 1,676,000) 49% owned by the Country and 51% by a group of private shareholders.
This structure will be inserted between existing structures (producers, wholesalers and retailers) and will collect fruit and vegetables. The company will make sorting, cleaning, grading, packing and marketing.
Costs of logistics will be shared and will benefit of economies of scale. The wholesalers will benefit from improved consistency of supply of local products.
Kai Hotu Rau will provide a solution to 16,000 French Polynesian farmers often forced to throw their production due to lack of marketing channels.
source: info tahiti, tahiti press Izuba