The development of cherry varieties by Malling Cherry Ventures
NIAB East Malling Research (EMR) in England, their funding partner Berry Gardens Growers Ltd (BGG) and the Associated International Group of Nurseries (AIGN) formed the joint venture called Malling Cherry Ventures. The cooperation between the companies began almost two years ago. The aim of collaboration is to develop cherry varieties of exceptionally good fruit quality, which are adapted to intensive orchards. Season extension (both for early and late ripening), novelty types and improved storage ability are some of the main breeding targets.
The goal of Malling Cherry Ventures is to promote the selection of cherries released by the NIAB EMR breeding program through AIGN’s worldwide network of nursery and commercialization programs.
Cherry breeding in the United Kingdom started in the 1920’s and stable funded by the state. The East Malling Cherry Group for tree fruit breeding was formed in the UK after the abolition of public funding in 2010. In 2018 Berry Gardens Growers Ltd became a member of this group together with the Associated International Group of Nurseries and NIAB East Malling Research.
NIAB EMR, an expert in fruit genetics and plant breeding, is responsible for all decisions about crosses, selections and trials. As soon as the selection passes the initial phases and small-scale trials of natural crossbreeding, the other two partners of the venture, BGG and AIGN, begin the process of commercialization of the newly released cultivar. Commercialization includes intellectual property protection, marketing and licensing, as well as large-scale propagation of new fruit trees.
BGG is one of the largest horticultural co-operative in UK, owned by a grower that providing sales and marketing services to its members. Initially specializing in berries, the group now includes substantial areas of cherries, which contributes to innovation throughout the industry.
AIGN brings to the collaboration its trademark database program, Hertha. It helps to track of numbered selections in trials, maps the plantings and collects data and evaluations of the fruit.
A number of elite crosses from the breeding program will be distributed amongst the Malling Cherry Ventures partners in the near future in order to begin evaluating cultivars around the world.
More information about the companies on their websites:
The Associated International Group of Nurseries