Unfavourable weather conditions for potato planting in Western Europe
Wednesday 08 May 2024
Ireland and Western Europe experience contrasting weather conditions. Periods of wet weather follow one another and periods of dry weather are rare and short-lived. This delays the planting season and therefore the harvest period (Photo: ifa.ie).
In the spring of 2024, weather conditions are having a negative impact on planting schedules and crop progress.
According to the latest IFA (Irish Farmers Association) report, Ireland and Western Europe are experiencing contrasting weather conditions. Periods of wet weather follow one another, while periods of dry weather are rare and short-lived. This delays the planting season and therefore the harvest period.
In Ireland, the short period of dry weather enabled planting to make some headway. But a period of wet weather brought planting to a halt. This delay in planting will add to low stock levels, which could put a strain on supplies as early as this summer.
In Europe, cold weather and showers delayed planting. In the Netherlands, hailstorms have had an impact on operations, and only 25% of early potato acreage has been planted. In France, only 5% of potato fields have been planted. In Belgium, around 25% of early potato acreage has been planted.
source : ifa.ie