GLOBALG.A.P. urges banana growers to take preventive actions against Foc TR4
Bananas are cultivated in more than 135 countries and are a basic product for over 400 million people. Due to global consumption, banana growing is an important source of income in many developing countries – but now the crop is under threat.
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense is the agent that causes Fusarium wilt disease in bananas and plantains. Today, a specific genetic lineage named Tropical Race 4 (Foc TR4), is the most menacing threat to the Cavendish banana and to those whose livelihood and subsistence depend on banana cultivation and consumption. Currently there is no effective treatment to control Fusarium wilt.
The Caribbean and Latin America are the main global banana exporters, and with the arrival of the TR4 pathogen in Latin America – in Colombia in 2019 and in Peru in 2021 – it is crucial to find an effective and comprehensive solution to prevent the further spread of TR4.
GLOBALG.A.P. is highly concerned about the fast spread of TR4 and urges banana growers to take preventive actions.
There are 12.791 banana producers certified with GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance Standard (IFA), version 5.2 or version 5.3-GFS worldwide, around 95% of which are in Latin America.
IFA is the GLOBALG.A.P. Certificate, which covers Good Agricultural Practices for agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture and livestock production. It also concerns other aspects of the supply chain and food production such as Compound Feed Manufacturing and Chain of Custody.
GLOBALG.A.P recommends that all banana producers with IFA certification implement the GLOBALG.A.P. TR4 Biosecurity add-on; a tool that gives farmers a risk mitigation plan to prevent the introduction or further spreading of the TR4 pathogen to, within, or from their farms with certification of GLOBALG.A.P.
The add-on also aims to address the issue of biosecurity and provide support to the banana sector, and helps spread awareness about the seriousness of the disease on a global scale.
Over the last 5 months, the area of farm land which applied the GLOBALG.A.P. TR4 Biosecurity add-on for bananas has increased up to 48.000 hectares (+44%). Most of this area is in Latin America, with even more farmers indicating plans to seek this formal proof of implementation of essential biosecurity measures against the fungus.
GLOBALG.A.P. supports further initiatives, such as the Task Force Against TR4 and the World Banana Forum (WBF). These initiatives unite producers, associations, NPPO, traders, and NGOs, those who are working together to find solutions which will rescue the sector.
See the website to learn more about GLOBALG.A.P.