Potato production expected to rebound in Kenya, which is expected to increase by 500,000 tonnes
Wednesday 17 March 2021
Kenya is expected to produce 2.5 million tonnes of potatoes this year (source: npck.org).
According to NPCK (National Potato Council of Kenya), after a year 2020 marked by the disturbances linked to the pandemic, the year 2021 should register a rebound for potato production in the country.
In Kenya, the production and demand for potatoes had been affected in 2020 by the disturbances linked to the pandemic but for 2021, NPCK (National Potato Council of Kenya) forecasts a production of 2.5 million tonnes. That is + 25% compared to the 2 million tonnes produced last year.
"We forecast a rebound in production in 2021 due to favorable weather conditions as well as increased distribution of potato seeds to farmers," said Wachira Kaguongo, CEO of the NPCK.
In Kenya, the potato is the 2nd staple crop after maize, according to NPCK and plays an important role in the food security of Kenyans. In addition, the crop is productive as it can be harvested twice a year but still remains vulnerable to irregular weather conditions.
The increase in planted areas, the increased use of high-quality seeds, and the adoption of good agricultural practices as well as investments in mechanization are expected to further increase Kenyan production.
According to some projections, potato production in Kenya could reach 8-10 million tonnes in the coming years. The country could meet its food needs and become a potato exporter.
source : africa.cgtn.com, menafn.com, potatopro.com