Numerous inscriptions for TROPICAL FRUIT CONGRESS
Wednesday 04 April 2018
Registrations flock to this first European event on mango and avocado.
For the 1st European summit on mango and avocado to be held at Macfrut 2018, about 80% of registrations arrive from abroad and especially from South America. All major European importers will be present.
According to the organizers, 80% of those registered (who are more than 150 on March 20th) come from abroad. Very strong presence of South America, which has always been a great producer of exotic fruits, accounting for 62% of the supply of avocado for Europe (source: World Avocado Organization). Other registrations come from the Dominican Republic, Colombia, partner country Macfrut 2018, Peru, Brazil and the United States. Several inscriptions have come from African countries: Cameroon, Kenya, Sudan, Ethiopia and Zambia.
Interest is also strong in Europe where some countries posted double-digit growth (Sweden, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, among others) in terms of consumption. In particular, strong presence of Spain - the leading European producer of mangoes and avocados - but also of the Netherlands, Great Britain, France and Belgium.