France: a market of 9 million tonnes
The French business event Medfel will celebrate in Perpignan its 15 years and debate on how tackle the major challenges of the fruit and veg sector like consomption, new retail channels and future talents.
Medfel exhibition concept has always been a “business accelerator” and a concentrated 2 days event with multiple activities, Next April 23 and 24th show in Perpignan will include conferences and debates, summer fruit crop predictions, B2B agenda with invited buyers, labor forum with “speed dating” meetings and four debates to help produce compagnies to recrute future talents. 50 international buyers are being selected and invited by Ad’Occ the export promotion agency of Occitanie regional government. On-site festivities will be organized on the evening of the first day of April 23rst to celebrate the 15 years anniversary of the show.
9 million tons of fresh fruit and vegetables
According to latest estimates of the French Technology Center for Fruit and Vegetables (CTIFL) about 9 million tons of fresh produce are consumed in France. 5,5 million tons are produced domestically, similarly 5,5 million tons are imported, 2 million tons are exported including French produce and reexports. Several factors are changing consumption habits like the slight demographic growth, the new generations and distribution channels, environmental and economical challenges. Among today’s objectives of the sector which will be on debate are how to recatch with consumption slow-down, inclusive with organics which represents about 7% of the total consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables. Organic consumption of fresh produce was above 8% prior to the pandemia. The discussion panel dedicated to organics will discuss the impact of the new retail concepts on its consumption. Among other panel cessions are how medias can better help consumption; how to tackle the perception of fruit and vegetables being expansive; certified labels "jungle" and how they can better help creating added-value instead of just being an obligation. The cessions dedicated to summer fruit crop predictions will focus on apricots, melons and prunes categories.