The brand "Cherries of Chile" develops its promotion actions
Tuesday 20 February 2018
Tastings and exhibitions at the sales sites, promotion on e-commerce sites, social media campaign, and now a video for the brand "Cherries of Chile" which aims to increase the consumption of Chilean cherries in China.
In China the brand "Cherries of Chile" performs many actions for the end consumer. Since November, tastings and exhibitions have been held at points of sale; promotions on e-commerce sites; advertising in metro stations and campaigns in major social networks (WeChat, Weibo).
A video is now showing on WeChat and other Chinese social media platforms. With for messages the quality of the product and the facility to obtain it all over the country as well as wishes of a happy new year. The New Year of the Chinese calendar is a major celebration and cherries are very popular gifts. The red color and round shape of the fruit are symbols of prosperity and success.
According to ASOEX statistics, more than 180,000 tons of Chilean cherries have already been exported. Asian markets account for 90.2% of the volume exported and China accounts for 94.9% of shipments to the Asian market.
source : asoex cl