An international symposium on the European peach / nectarine market at MACFRUT 2018
All countries
Wednesday 21 March 2018
The European supply of peaches / nectarines, according to CSO data, is around 3.6 million tonnes on average, with a low level of 3.4 million tonnes (2016) and a high level of 3.9 million tonnes. tonnes (2017).
Italy and Spain top the list of European peach / nectarine producers. On the occasion of the 35th edition of MACFRUT, Cesena Fiera and CSO Italy organize, on May 9th, opening day of the show, a symposium dedicated to peaches and nectarines.
This colloquium will be the occasion for debates and exchanges between industry experts from major European producing countries - notably Italy, Spain and Greece - emerging countries of the Mediterranean basin, with the participation of representatives European mass retailers.
The fisheries / nectarines sector has experienced crises, often driven by the imbalance between supply and demand in years when production approaches the estimated potential of 4 million tonnes. But there are other factors contributing to the crisis: high production costs, new competitors in the market, competition for new products. Not to mention that climatic phenomena, due to the fragility of the products, can have significant repercussions on the market.
All these themes will be discussed during the symposium on May 9 at MACFRUT 2018.