A federal salad election in Germany
Tuesday 16 May 2017
Consumers are called to vote for their favorite salad.
The year 2017 is a year of elections to the German Parliament and BONDUELLE takes advantage of this news to propose his own candidates to the "Bundessalatwahl", the salad federal election.
The operation "Bundessalatwahl" has just been launched by BONDUELLE and will run until the 24th of September (date of the elections for the Federal Parliament). Consumers are called to vote for their favorite salad, directly at the sales venue, many actions join the operation in stores, or on the brand's website. The vote will give the right to participate in a lottery to win 10 cruises in the Mediterranean.
The 7 candidates for whom consumers can vote: salads (Feldsalat, Rucola) and blends (Flair der Provence, Kreation, Rucolatino, Insalata-Mix, Country-Mix).
source : bonduelle de