Gray mold: a threat to strawberry production
Tuesday 17 September 2024
The disease is caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea, capable of generating losses of more than 50% of the production.
Gray mold, also known as fruit rot, is one of the main diseases affecting strawberries. This disease is thought to be caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea, which is capable of generating losses of more than 50% of production. The fungus infects mainly damaged tissues and establishes in flowers, leaves and fruit. Under conditions of high humidity and poor ventilation, the disease is aggravated, especially when fruit are in contact with the soil.
Symptoms include brown spots and watery areas on the fruit, which then develop a gray coating. To control the spread, it is recommended to properly manage planting density and select strawberry varieties with better exposure to air and light. In addition, they advise using fungicide products with multiple modes of action, avoiding those with a single mode of action to reduce fungal resistance.
It is suggested to combine chemical and biological methods and good agricultural practices to reduce the incidence of the disease and ensure high quality strawberries for the market.