Argentina and China among the priorities for Spanish fruit in 2025
The authorities and the sector will continue to work to facilitate access to new markets in America and Asia in particular.
The Ministries of Agriculture and Economy and the fruit and vegetable sector continue to prioritize several overseas countries. Among them are Argentina, with whom the export of Spanish cherries and apples is being negotiated, and China for cherry exports.
Negotiations with 16 countries
In 2024 Spanish authorities have been working with more than 16 countries from all continents and more than 26 products within the group of priorities. Within the American continent, negociations are going on with Canada for the opening for cherry exports; with Argentina discussions continue for the opening for Spanish cherries and apples; with Colombia the opening for persimmon and with Chile the opening for citrus and apple, among other countries. With the United States the objective is to allow the export of nectarine, peach and plum mainly, as well as pear and apple.
China already open for 7 Spanish fruits
In Asia, work is underway with China to allow cherry exports. This market is already open for the export of stone fruit (peach, plum, nectarine), grapes, citrus, persimmons and almonds. And with Japan, citrus exports are being negotiated.