Apricot harvests forecast at 632,000 tonnes
All countries
Monday 29 April 2019
A 2019 crop more abundant than the previous year but still well below the 679,000 tonnes of apricots harvested in 2017.
At medFEL, one of the traditional events is the announcement of harvest forecasts for summer fruits, particularly apricots from four European countries.
The Europêch 'committee brings together 4 countries (Italy, Spain, Greece, France) whose representatives come to present an assessment of the previous campaign and make a forecast of the upcoming campaign.
According to these data, the initial forecast for a 2019 European harvest is 632 000 tonnes, which is 12% higher than in 2018.
The good weather conditions this year will lead to a return to normal levels of production in France and Italy. In recent years, the area planted with apricots has increased, especially in Italy and Spain, which also leads to an increase in volumes.
source : lindependant fr