North Carolina Ports becomes one of the main cold ports for shippers in the USA
North Carolina Ports becomes one of the main cold ports for shippers in the USA. The NC State Ports Authority set a record for refrigerated container volume after the completion of a new refrigerated container yard at the Port of Wilmington, North Carolina. During April was moved 1,459 refrigerated containers – 2,918 TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units) – by N.C. ports through the Port of Wilmington.
Instability due to coronavirus pandemic does not affect NC Ports, they continues to experience a good flow of refrigerated cargoes to global markets. The company informs that Fiscal Year 2020 volumes are up 20 percent compared to last fiscal year and the largest imported refrigerated cargo are bananas.
Paul J. Cozza, Executive Director, North Carolina Ports, explained that becoming one of the main cold ports for shippers was the main goal for North Carolina Ports.
“Additionally, our record-setting April highlights our expanding perishables portfolio as NC ports have quadrupled refrigerated container volume,” said Mr Cozza.
Supporting the refrigerated cargo sector is a strategic goal for NC Ports. Growth of both import and export demand through the port of Wilmington is stable. To support this growth the company making the investments in refrigerated container yard. It helps strengthen the position of the port of Wilmington as the main center for the transportation of perishables.
“As we continue to make progress in optimizing complementary export and import flows, there is a great opportunity to deliver more value for stakeholders across the entire supply chain,” added Executive Director of the company.
US North Carolina’s ports in Wilmington and Morehead City and Charlotte Inland Port link the state’s consumers, business and industry to world markets.
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