The 2010 exports should be similar to last year
The spanish exports of fruit and vegetables in 2010 will reach similar volumes to last year.
FEPEX took stock of exports for the year 2010. The first half saw a significant drop in volumes with a 13% drop in April and 14% in May. Then for the second half of the year, export volumes rebounded due to strong demand for stone fruits.
According to Fepex, 2010 will show a stabilization of volumes compared to 2009. This implies a loss of market share for export. The European market represent 98% of Spanish exports, 93.5% for European Community countries and 4.5% for European countries not members.
In value, exports from January to October 2010 have increased by 11% over the same period of 2009, for a total of 6,660 million euros.
Source: FEPEX