Delicious Fruits of Murcia
Monday 12 March 2007
The peach is "the typical" fruit of bone of the region of Murcia, whose production is located mainly in the municipal term of Cieza. Two groups of varieties distinguish themselves basically: those of meat last or type "Pavía" and those of red meat. First - which they approximately represent 60% of the harvest -, they are destined preferredly to inner market and industry and the varieties of red meat are destined mainly to outer market. The period of harvest exists an ample range of varieties, extending from May beginnings to end of September.
In Murcia are 3,400 has dedicated to the plum culture, basically in the region of the High Fertile valley of the Segura river. Like other fruits of bone, the surface occupied by this ligneous culture is being renewed gradually, introducing new varieties of greater productivity and adaptation to the market. The varietal diversity allows to extend the calendars of harvesting of this fruit, from mid June until advanced September.
The apricot represents 90% of the national production, with his 10,500 it has dedicated to this culture and with a production around 100,000 t. One can recommand the earlier Búlida variety to fresh and transformed, as well as other varieties to fresh, Valencian, Mauricios, etc. The production calendar extends from end of April at the end of June.