Flavour is key for SAKATA Seeds who launched new varieties
Sakata, the Japanese seeds company is recognised amongst world leaders in the vegetable seeds market.
The company has developed a wide range of innovative vegetable varieties with additional benefits for the growers, retailers and consumers.
Among the latest developments, “Infinite Gold Cantaloupe” has a very original flavour, with a traditional character. The variety has been developed to offer long shelf-life, together with improved colour and firmness. Its main markets are the USA, Australia, Central and Southern America.
The watermelon collection also benefits from new developments with “Triple-Crown Watermelon”.
Met during the last PMA Fresh Summit in New Orleans, Ms. Alicia Suits, Communications & Public Relations Manager North America pointed out:
“Triple-Crown Watermelon” is an umbrella brand launched a few months ago for watermelon specialists. This collection is composed of 2 early varieties and 2 season varieties to give farmers a great market advantage all over the season. These 4 varieties offer earliness and flavour, they are real market winners!”
Mr. Andrew Dominy, Director Marketing for Sakata Vegetables Europe explains:
“ Flavour is really important for Sakata. It is one of the company’s roots. In the Japanese culture, food is very important, and tasty food is a key element. Flavour is what differentiates Sakata in the market. When other companies concentrate, for example, on visual aspects of the product, we first focus on taste and flavour. This is our strength, and our customers love it!”
Mr. Andrew Dominy, Tel +33 466 717 563, andrew.dominy@sakata.eu
Ms. Alicia Suits, Tel +1 408 782 5391, asuits@sakata.com
www.sakata.com (North America)
www.sakata-vegetables.eu (Europe, Middle East, Africa)