Shortage of grapes and soaring prices in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
Monday 18 September 2023
This year, the winter frost caused considerable damage (up to -80% of the volume produced in some areas of Tajikistan), resulting in soaring prices for local consumers.
Last January, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan suffered a severe cold snap (down to -22°C) which caused considerable damage to table grape production.
Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are both producers and exporters of table grapes and raisins. This year, the winter frost has caused considerable damage (up to -80% of the volume produced in certain areas of Tajikistan), resulting in soaring prices for local consumers.
This production shortfall will lead to a sharp fall in export earnings for the 2 countries, whose grapes and raisins used to be major sources of income.
These 2 countries are likely to increase their imports of grapes, according to some analysts, who estimate that it will take several years - 3 to 4 years - for production volumes to return to 2022 levels.
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