PMA : Well-Pict presented 2 new varieties
United States
Tuesday 19 October 2010
Well-Pict introduced its 2 new varieties of small fruits which promises good prospects.
Well-Pict presented 2 new varieties of raspberries and strawberries at the PMA Exhibition.
Well-Pict took advantage of the PMA to introduce and make tasting its new varieties.
The visitors were able to have a look but also to taste the difference.
The new variety of strawberry “4053” replaces the ancient on”2880”. These new strawberries produce bigger fruits later in the season.
The new variety of raspberries “2933” offers “supersize berries ", with a special flavour.
"These superior plants already exceed all the expectations ", indicated Dan Crowley, Manager of sales.
Source: well-pict, perishable news