Bananas, potatoes, fruit, leading US consumer purchases
United States
Tuesday 09 May 2017
Bananas and potatoes topped the list of top selling products, but US consumers also bought a lot of berries, packaged salads, apples, citrus fruits and grapes.
In the United States in 2016 consumers preferred bananas, the best-selling products by store, then potatoes.
According to data from the food sector, bananas were the top-selling products in 2016 ahead of potatoes, the second best-selling product per store and per week.
For the classification in value, the first 5 products are berries, packaged salads, apples, citrus fruits and grapes. US consumers bought more melons (+ 10.6%) and more beans (+ 25%) than the previous year.
The demand for "health" products is sensitive but professionals are worried about supplies. Heavy rains in California will lead to decreases in the production of strawberries and salads. Freeze have affected the production of peaches in South Carolina and the production of blueberries in Georgia.
source : fooddive com