A lower harvest in volume but 300,000 tonnes planned for lemon exports
Friday 10 April 2020
Argentina plans to export 300,000 tonnes of lemons (Photo: cronista.com).
According to Acnoa (Asociación Citrícola del Noroeste Argentino) data, this season's production will be lower in volume but much higher in quality. Argentina could export 300,000 tonnes of lemons.
This season Argentina is expected to harvest 1.4 million tonnes of lemons, of which 1.1 million tonnes will be used for industrialization.
This year's harvest will be 400,000 tonnes lower than the 2019 harvest. This decrease is due to the adverse weather conditions that prevailed during the months of October and November.
If the total volume produced is lower, the quality of the fruits this year is much higher. This will allow the export of around 300,000 tonnes of lemons to different markets, mainly the European Union. Last year lemon exports totaled 240,000 tonnes.
In Argentina the lemon harvest extends from April to July.
source : lanacion.com.ar