Good vegetable production and multiplication of storage facilities
Production 2013 very satisfactory according to the Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food.
In 2013 Ukraine reported a production of 9.3 million tons of vegetables and 22 million tons of potatoes. Production in line with expectations of the ministry and which will fully satisfy domestic needs (7.3 million tons).
The country still deplores the loss of about 20% of harvested vegetables because of the lack of proper storage facilities. The current capacity of these facilities is 2.7 million tons (for 1.3 million tons of potatoes, for 1.02 million tons of vegetables, 366,000 tons of fruit).
The Ukrainian state has helped to build 104 warehouses of stokage in 2011-2012 and predicts 16 new storage units (capacity 140,000 tons) by 2015.
source : minagro gov ua, interfax com ua