Safer fruits and vegetables with the new EU regulation
This new legislative package, after the examination by the Parliament and the European Council, should enter into force in 2016. The current standard will be simplified passing from 70 to 5 forms of the statute intended to regulate the food industry. All the bureaucratic party related to the processes, procedures and administrative expenses subject to which are farmers, ranchers and food business operators (producers, processors and distributors) will also be lightened.
A simpler regulatory framework means more precision, rationalization and efficiency. With the move to 5 forms of the statute, producers will be subject to fewer standards but they will be clearer, and the inspectors should apply a reduced number of guidelines but more precise and safe. It is also desirable that, for the fruits and vegetables, the phenomenon comes closer to that of the organic production: simple rules, clear and unambiguous sense.
Whatever concerns the field inspections, the competent authorities will have more effective tools to ensure the application of EU legislation and EU Member States should integrate anti-fraud controls in accordance with respective national plans of surveillance.
"The simplification can only allow greater clarity for producers and inspectors, and advantages in terms of food safety for consumers," said Professor Giorgio DONEGANI, food technologist, President of Food Education Italy and member of the supervision committee of FRUITYLIFE project - "FRUIT AND VEGETABLES, HEALTH AND SAFE", an information and education campaign on the health and safety of European fresh fruits and vegetables destinated for consumers and promoted by Alimos ALIMOS ALIMENTA LA SALUTE with the support of European Union and the Italian Ministry of agricultural and Forestry Policies.