BELORTA and HOOGSTRATEN are working on a possible merger
Monday 03 April 2017
"We start working on a merger @VeilingBelOrta and Hoogstraten. United for honest pricing" TWITTER Filip Fontaine, CEO Belorta.
The two most important Belgian cooperatives BELORTA and COOPERATIE HOOGSTRATEN have just set up a "merger committee" to examine the potential benefits of a merger.
In a statement the two cooperatives BELORTA and HOOGSTRATEN announce that their boards of directors have authorized the creation of a merger committee. This committee will begin negotiations for a merger.
This merger would enable BELORTA and HOOGSTRATEN to achieve a common goal of sustainable marketing of fruit and vegetables at a fair price with greater solidity and efficiency.
BELORTA is the biggest auctions of fruits and vegetables with a turnover of 412 million euros in 2016. Well known for its strawberries, HOOGSTRATEN also deals with tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers and achieved in 2016 a turnover of 222 million euros.