The global market for organic products continues to grow
All countries
Monday 19 February 2018
The trend observed in recent years continues: production occupies 57.8 million hectares of agricultural land in 178 countries and demand is growing, totaling nearly 90 billion USD for the world market. in 2016.
Market research firm Ecovia Intelligence estimates that the global organic food market reached 89.7 billion USD in 2016 (more than 80 billion EUR). The United States is the largest market with 38.9 billion EUR, followed by Germany (9.5 billion EUR), France (6.7 billion EUR) and China (5.9 billion EUR).
In 2016, most major markets continued to post double-digit growth rates and the French organic market grew by 22%. The highest per capita expenditure was in Switzerland (274 EUR) and Denmark had the highest market share in the organic market (9.7% of the total food market).
Farmland dedicated to organic farming is expanding to 57.8 million hectares by the end of 2016. This represents a growth of 7.5 million hectares compared to 2015, the highest growth ever recorded . Australia is the country with the largest organic agricultural area (27.2 million hectares), followed by Argentina (3 million hectares) and China (2.3 million hectares).
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