The FRUTIC Symposium for the first time in the framework of Fruit Logistica
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Wednesday 11 January 2017
RUTIC is a series of international scientific meetings that will take place for the first time at the Fruit Logistica.
The 10th International Symposium, FRUTIC, will be held on the 7th of February 2017 at CITY CUBE BERLIN with the theme 'Quality and safety of fresh horticultural products'.
FRUTIC has become an important platform for the development and application of technologies in fruit, vegetable and nut production, bringing together leading scientists from around the world.
The topics include technological developments in production, harvesting and post-harvest but also in distribution, as well as product quality control.
The FRUTIC symposium is organized jointly by the Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim e.V. (Germany) and the University of Foggia (Italy), FRUIT LOGISTICA is a partner.