Revolutionary Mango Quality Meter Released for growers and distributors
Innovative measurement tool that analyses both dry matter and Brix in mangos is being released July 30th.
Designed and manufactured by Felix Instruments - Applied Food Science, the Mango Quality Meter considered to be a disruptive technology for the industry. Promising to save time, labor costs and waste for mango growers and distributors alike, Felix seeks to revolutionize traditional, labour-intensive methods with a fast, accurate, 100% non-destructive measurement.
The second in its Quality Meter product line, growers can use the meter paired with crop mapping application, FruitMaps®, to quickly and accurately map dry matter measurements and plan harvests. For distributors and QA teams, the Mango Quality Meter offers a far faster, more efficient way to assess maturity of incoming fruit.
Scott Trimble, Marketing Director for Felix Instruments, said. "It’s really a win-win for all parties that produce and distribute mangos - this is possibly the most significant technological advancement the mango industry has seen for years.”
"Using the Mango Meter means more actionable data, the ability to reduce time and labor for growers and the reduction of destroyed fruit by 100%. These are huge steps for the industry and this tool is perfectly in line with our core mission, which is helping agricultural outfits make better decisions at harvest and post harvest.
The tool - set for official launch on July 30 - has been developed jointly with Kerry Walsh of Central Queensland University on the development of the tool as well as Dr Jorge Osuna of INIFAP.
Mr. Trimble explains, “The demand for this line of tools really reflects the demand from the global industry for faster, non-destructive ways to achieve precise measurements. The ability to collect more crop data, more quickly, gives growers and distributors a huge advantage.
In the field and once dry matter readings are taken, the data is transferred via Wi-Fi for analysis and crop mapping. Co-created with Central Queensland University, Felix’s proprietary crop mapping app Fruitmaps® enables growers to visualize how each part of their orchard is progressing in maturity.
The meter's calibration and firmware are explicitly designed for dry matter and Brix readings. The unit is also highly portable, meaning it can easily be used in multiple fields or regions.
Felix plans to launch a meter for the Kiwi industry later this year.
For more information or a quote on the Mango Quality Meter, contact +1 (360) 833-8835 or email: